Commercial Graphics Designing

Both Physical & Online Classes Available

Course Detail

Course Duration: 2 Months
Class Days: Thursday, Friday
Start Date Class Timing Physical Classes Fee Online Classes Fee
10 Apr 2025 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Pakistan Time)*
16,000 PKR
(8,000 PKR Per Month)
10,000 PKR
(5,000 PKR Per Month)
* 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM (UAE Time)
Click the Icon For Contact Us: +923214946496

Course Outline

Adobe Photoshop Complete Training


What is Photoshop?

Why we Use Photoshop?

Benefits of Photoshop?

1.Opening Files

Opening files in Photoshop

Editing in Camera Raw and Photoshop

2.Documents and Navigation

A tour of the Photoshop interface

Working with multiple documents

Panning and zooming documents

3.Customizing the Photoshop Interface

Arranging the panels you use most often

Switching and saving workspaces

Customizing the toolbar

Modifying keyboard shortcuts to boost productivity

4.Digital Image Essentials

Understanding file formats

Mastering bit depth and color mode

Choosing a color space

Making sense of document size

Using Image Size to change document dimensions

Flexible editing using the History panel

Saving and exporting documents

5.Adobe Camera Raw

A tour of the Camera Raw interface

Removing distortions and cropping photos

Working with profiles and presets

Enhancing contrast, color, and tone

Making adjustments to a portion of an image

Converting to black and white and adding color toning

Saving and opening files into Photoshop

6.Cropping, Straightening, and Adjusting Canvas Size

Using the Crop tool

Straightening a crooked image

Crop and change image size in one step

Increasing canvas size

Autofill with Content-Aware Crop


Exploring layer basics

Loading, selecting, aligning and distributing layers

Working with layer groups and the Frame tool

Merging and flattening layers

Quickly exporting layers and groups

8.Color and Brush Essentials

Color basics

Brush basics

The Brushes and Brush Settings panels

Creating and saving custom brushes

9.Working with Layer Masks

Layer mask essentials

Using gradients in masks to blend images

10.Making Selections

Using the Marquee and Lasso tools

Using Object Selection and the Quick Selection tools

Using Select Subject and Color Range

Selecting soft edge objects with Select and Mask

Removing a halo using Select and Mask

Selecting and replacing skies

11.Local Pixel Editing and Retouching

Removing distracting elements with the healing, patch, and clone tools

The magic of Content-Aware Fill

Transform without distorting using Content-Aware Scale and Move

Removing larger elements from an image

12.Adjustment Layer Essentials

Introducing adjustment layers

Adjusting color and tone with Levels and Curves

Changing colors using Vibrance, Hue/Saturation, and Color Balance

Converting to black and white and color toning with Gradient Maps

Applying adjustment layers to multiple layers

13.Blend Mode Essentials

Blend Mode basics

Using Multiply, Screen, Overlay and Soft Light

Applying blend modes to adjustment layers

Applying blend modes to multiple layers and groups

14.Smart Object Essentials

Creating and editing Smart Objects

Opening raw images as Smart Objects

Replacing the contents of a Smart Object

15.Essential Transformation

Scaling, skewing, and rotating layers using Free Transform

Removing perspective distortion using Camera Raw

Warping images

Using Liquify to reshape an image

Using Vanishing Point to paste in perspective

Using Smart Objects to transform multiple layers as one

16.Color, Gradient, and Pattern Fill Layers

Using Fill Layers to create a hand-painted look

Using a gradient fill layer to add a color wash

Creating and applying custom pattern fill layers

17.Essential Filters

Filter essentials

Applying filters nondestructively with Smart Filters

Sharpening images

Creative blurring effects

AI-assisted (neural) filters

Creating painterly effects using Filter Gallery

Applying Camera Raw as a filter

18.Shape Layers

Using the Shape tools

Modify, duplicate, and use custom shapes

Creating, saving, and masking images to shapes

Duplicating shapes as Smart Objects

19.The Pen Tools

The Curvature Pen tool

Pen tool basics

Drawing curves with the Pen tool

Drawing complex paths

Pen skills in practice

20.Essential Layer Styles

Applying layer effects and styles

Creative layer effects

21.Type Essentials

Exploring headline (point) type

Using leading, kerning, and tracking

Working with paragraph (area) type

22.Sharing Images

Using Image Processor to batch resize and save files

Exporting multiple images to a single document


CorelDRAW Complete Training


What is CorelDRAW?

Why we use CorelDRAW

1.The Welcome Screen

Using one of the workspaces

The Store tab

2.The Interface

Exploring the drop-down menus

Examining the toolbars

Discovering the toolbox

Understanding dockers

The Mac interface

3.Getting Started

Setting up the page

Starting with a template

Grids, rulers, and guides

Calibrating the screen

Managing multi-page documents

Master pages and page numbering

Understanding file formats

The export docker

4.The Toolbox

Using the Pick tool

Exploring the Shape edit flyout

Exploring the Crop tool flyout

Using the Zoom & Pan tools

Exploring the curve flyout

Drawing tools

Creating basic shapes

Dealing with dimension lines

Outlines and corner control

Looking at the interactive tool flyout

Other interactive tools

5.Working with Fonts

Understanding fonts

Installing fonts

Corel Font Manager

Types of text

Working with Variable fonts

Homework: Create three collections with at least ten fonts in each and export them

6.Working with Objects

Shaping commands

Grouping and ungrouping

Various alignment commands

Copying vs. duplicate and Paste Special

Challenge: Creating a logo

Solution: Creating a logo

7.Working with Bitmaps

Importing bitmaps

Cropping, resizing, and rotating bitmaps

Reshaping bitmaps


Resampling bitmap images

Exporting web graphics

Bitmap effects

8.Useful Tools

Working with PowerClips

Using Find & Replace

Exploring Corel CONNECT

Drawing in perspective

Examining scripts and macros

Publishing to PDF

9.Understanding Color

Color theory

Color palettes

Creating a new color palette

Getting started with color management in CorelDRAW

Challenge: Creating a business card

Solution: Creating a business card


Discovering the print dialogs tabs

Working with Print Merge on the PC

Print Merge on the Mac

Challenge: Print Merge

Solution: Print Merge

11.Workspace Customization

Creating keyboard shortcuts on the PC

Keyboard shortcuts on the Mac

Workspace customization on the Mac

Creating a custom toolbar

Changing the appearance

Changing the default properties

Exporting and sharing workspaces

Resetting all defaults

Workspace homework assignment

11.Practical TaskComplete practical Project

Adobe Illustrator Complete Training


What is Illustrator?

Installing Illustrator

1. Quick Start

What are vector graphics?

Walkthrough setup


2. Illustrator Environment


The Illustrator workspace


Panning and zooming

Using the navigator

Canvas rotation

3. Selection

Selecting objects

Selecting anchor points

Selecting by attributes

Saving selections

Challenge: Practice selections

4. Transforms

Specific Transform tools

Transform Again

Transform Each

The Free Transform tool

The Puppet Warp tool

5. Creating Paths

The Pen tool

The Curvature Pen tool

The Pencil tool

Eraser drawing

Improving paths

Challenge: Drawing dino

6. Working with Strokes

Stroke attributes

Making dashed and dotted lines

Using brushes

Making brushes


Variable width strokes

7. Shape and Line Tools

Drawing basic shapes

Drawing polygons and stars

Drawing with the Line tools

Drawing with the Grid tools

8. Arranging Elements

Aligning objects

Distributing objects

Aligning points

Changing the stack order

Using Draw modes

Using layers

9. Groups

Working with groups

Using Isolation mode

The Group Selection tool

Using symbols

10. Drawing by Construction

Compound shapes and paths


The Shape Builder

Clipping masks

Using blends

Using repeats

11. Color

Color models in Illustrator

The Swatches panel

Global swatches

Spot colors

Using tints

Color groups

The Color Guide panel

Recoloring artwork

12. Gradients

Linear gradients

Radial gradients

Freeform gradients

Stroke gradients

13. Patterns

Creating a pattern

Transforming patterns

Making a pattern brush

14. Using Grids and Guides

Using grids and guides

Making guides from objects

15. Transparency

Blend modes

Opacity masks

16. Appearances

The power of appearances

The Appearance panel

Illustrator vs. Photoshop effects

Editing or removing effects

Graphic styles

The Eyedropper tool

New 3D effects

17. Type

Using point type

Using area type

Character options

Paragraph options

The Touch Type tool

Type on a path

Outlining type

18. Using Images

Placing images

Embedding images

Mask or crop images

Vectors from pixels

19. Output

Packaging Illustrator files

Export files

Asset Export

Instructions for filling out the enrollment form
  • All input fields are required. Please ensure that the details you provide are the same as those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • Please ensure that you provide accurate details matching those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • For the date of birth, please use the format month/day/year (e.g., 01/15/1990).
  • Ensure that your email address is valid and correctly formatted, (e.g., [email protected]).
  • Both contact numbers should include the country code, following the format, (e.g., +923214946496) +92 is Pakistan country code.
  • Ensure the correctness of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport ID.
  • When uploading the image of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport, make sure it is in an acceptable image format and does not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB) in size.
  • Similarly, the student image should be in an appropriate image format, and the file size should not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB).
  • Before submitting the form, make sure that everything you filled in is correct.

Enrollment Form For Batch # 01

File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)
File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)