Full Stack Web Application Development

Only Online Classes Available

Course Detail

Course Duration: 2 Months
Class Days: Thursday, Friday
Start Date Class Timing Online Classes Fee
06 Mar 2025 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
(Pakistan Time)*
10,000 PKR
(5,000 PKR Per Month)
* 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM (UAE Time)
Click the Icon For Contact Us: +923214946496

Course Outline

Module ObjectiveModule Outcomes
Write HTML code for a Website

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Understand  Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML)

·         Execute implementation of the HTML Tags like Elements, Attributes, Headings, Paragraphs, Formatting, Links, Head, Images Tables, Lists, Block, Layout, Forms, IFrames, Colours, Entities, URL Encode, Form, input types, Media, Object, Audio, Video and HTML5 Additional Tags  using HTML Editors.

2 Hours



Implement Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) in a website

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Understand illustrate Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

·         Understand difference between CSS & CSS3

·         Elucidate and implement the basic concepts of CSS such as CSS Syntax, Id and Class, Styling of Backgrounds, Text, Fonts, Links, Lists and Tables, CSS Border, Outline, Margin, Padding, Dimension, Positioning, Floating, Align, Colors, Colour HEX, Image Formatting and thumbnailing.

2 Hours
Use JavaScript in a website

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Understand client side scripting language

·         Understand the concept of  JavaScript

·         Implement the basic JavaScript concepts such as JavaScript Statements, Objects, Output, Comments, Variables, Data Types, Functions, Operators, Comparisons, Conditions, Switch, and For Loop, While Loop, Breaks. Errors and validation, alert, redirection and rendering etc

·         Implement jQuery and its plugins

Develop a static website with front end framework (twitter bootstrap)

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Understand the concept of preprocessors

·         Define Script and style in bootstrap

·         Implement the simple and fixed grid , responsive design

·         Use of twitter bootstrap component and plugin in webpages.

2 Hours


Module 2: Web Development using Server Side Scripting Language
Aim of the Module:  The aim of this module is to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to develop a website using open source scripting language i.e. PHP

Duration: 12 Hours (Theory: 3.5 Hour + Lab: 8.5 Hours)


Module Objective
Module Outcomes
Overview Of  web development using Server Side Scripting Language

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Understand the difference between static and dynamic Websites.

·         Understand the concept of   server side scripting language VS client side scripting language

·         Understand the concept of web servers

·         Configure Appache webserver

·         Understand the process of Developing Dynamic Website/Web Application.

  • Understand concept of PHP Advantages and Capabilities
  • Print HELLO WORLD in PHP
2 Hours
Introduction to PHP Variables

At the end of this session students will able to identify and administer


·         Naming Rules, Data Types, Numerical, Integer, Floating, Point Numbers, Floating Point Precision, Single Quoted, Strings and Double Quoted Strings

·         Creating and Assigning and Variables

·         Assigning Values to Variables

·         Type Conversion

·         Variable Scoping

·         Global Keyword, Static Keyword and Super Global

·         Constants and Variable Variables

·         Operators, Assignment Operators, Increment/Decrement Operators, Arithmetic Operators, String Operators, Comparison Operators and Logical Operators

2 Hours
PHP Control Structure and Arrays

At the end of this session students will able to identify and administer:


·         Statement Blocks

·         If Construct

·         Else Keyword and Elseif Keyword

·         Looping Constructs, While Loop, Do-while Loop, For Loop, Foreach Loop, Loop Control Words

·         Break and Continue

·         Syntax

·         Array Functions

·         Using a Return value as a Key

·         Converting to Array

·         Sorting an Array

·         Multi-Dimensional Arrays

2 Hours
Functions and OOP in PHP

At the end of this session students will able to identify and administer:


·         Conditionally Created Functions

·         Functions Created Inside Functions

·         Argument Passing by Value

·         Argument Passing by Reference

·         Returning Values

·         Including External PHP Functions

·         Classes and Inheritance

·         Inheritance

·         Keywords

2 Hours
Introduction to Database and working with open source databases

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Explain what is a database

·         Database management systems

·         Explain MySQL Capabilities as a Powerful DBMS

·         Install MySQL

·         Creating Databases and Tables

·         Inserting Data into Tables

·         Execute SELECT, INSERT, FETCH, UPDATE, DELETE command in MySQL

·         Connect to Database via mysql_connect()

·         Using PHP Functions  to perform:

§  Inserting Data into a Database

§  Creating Queries

§  Executing Queries

§  Processing the Returned Query Data

§  Updating the Database

2 Hours
Using Emails and Cookies with PHP

At the end of this session students will able to identify and administer:


·         Purpose of Cookies, Setting Cookies, Retrieving Cookies, Expiring Cookies, Deleting Cookies and Storing Arrays in Cookies

·         Sending Mail with PHP

·         Uploading Files via an HTML Form

2 Hours

Module 3: Web Development using Server Side Scripting Language
Aim of the Module:  The aim of this module is to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to develop a website using open source renewed framework like codeigniter PHP

Duration: 16 Hours (Theory: 4.5 Hours + Lab: 11.5 Hours)

Module ObjectiveModule OutcomesDurationModule Venue
Introduction to PHP Frameworks

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Understand the advantages of using Framework

·         Understand CodeIgniter and its MVC framework

·         Perform Initial Setup and Configuration

·         Develop First CI Application

·          Understand CodeIgniter URLs, URI Routing

·         Understand Auto Loading Functions

2 Hours

Computer Lab with multimedia aid and audio facility



Form Handling and Helper Functions

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Input Class, Form Validation Class, File Uploading Class, Security Class and Page Redirection
·         Cookie Helper, Date Helper, Download Helper and URL Helper

·         Sending Emails using CI, SMTP and  Google APIs

·         Session Handling

2 Hours

Computer Lab with multimedia aid and audio facility



Database handling in CodeIgnitor

At the end of this session students will able to identify and administer:


·         Database Configuration, Connecting to a Database, Running Queries, Generating Query Results, Query Helper Functions and Field Data

·         Selecting Data, Inserting Data, Updating Data, Deleting Data and Method Chaining

2 Hours

Computer Lab with multimedia aid and audio facility



Shopping Cart in CI (Part I)

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Develop  an e-commerce website using Codeignitor & Twitter Bootstrap

2 Hours

Computer Lab with multimedia aid and audio facility



Shopping Cart in CI (Part II)2  Hours

Computer Lab with multimedia aid and audio facility



Domain Registration and Deployment of Web hosting Server

At the end of this session students will able to:


·         Register a Domain via godaddy.com

·         Initialize web hosting server.

·         Understand and administer cPanel

·         Place Web Application on live hosting server

2  Hours

Computer Lab with internet, multimedia aid and audio facility



Student Project Exhibition (Part I)In this Session Student will exhibit their web project in order to earn their Course Completion Certificate.2 HoursSeminar Hall with multimedia aid and audio facility
Student Project Exhibition (Part II)2 HoursSeminar Hall with multimedia aid and audio facility
Instructions for filling out the enrollment form
  • All input fields are required. Please ensure that the details you provide are the same as those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • Please ensure that you provide accurate details matching those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • For the date of birth, please use the format month/day/year (e.g., 01/15/1990).
  • Ensure that your email address is valid and correctly formatted, (e.g., [email protected]).
  • Both contact numbers should include the country code, following the format, (e.g., +923214946496) +92 is Pakistan country code.
  • Ensure the correctness of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport ID.
  • When uploading the image of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport, make sure it is in an acceptable image format and does not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB) in size.
  • Similarly, the student image should be in an appropriate image format, and the file size should not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB).
  • Before submitting the form, make sure that everything you filled in is correct.

Enrollment Form For Batch # 01

File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)
File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)