Mobile Application Development Using React Native

Both Physical & Online Classes Available

Course Detail

Course Duration: 2 Months
Class Days: Tuesday, Wednesday
Start Date Class Timing Physical Classes Fee Online Classes Fee
04 Jun 2024 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Pakistan Time)*
16,000 PKR
(8,000 PKR Per Month)
10,000 PKR
(5,000 PKR Per Month)
* 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM (UAE Time)
Click the Icon For Contact Us: +923214946496

Course Outline


  1. Introduction
  2. Resourse ans Helpful Materials

Section2:Get Ready

  1. Enviroment Setup
  2. Typescript vs. Javascript
  3. Create a React Native App
  4. Exploring The Default App Code
  5. Running on iOS
  6. Running on Android
  7. Running with Terminal

Section3:Basics of React Native

  1. What is JSX
  2. Imports and Exports: Creating components
  3. Functional vs. Class Components
  4. Explaining State for Functional and Class Components
  5. Lifecycles Explained
  6. Props in Components
  7. Understanding Styling

Section4:Project Structure and Splash Screen

  1. Identifying Components
  2. Project Structure
  3. Building the Splash Screen
  4. Button Component: Pressable vs. TouchableOpacity
  5. Colors Management

Section5:Authentication Screens and Components

  1. Authentication Screens Preview
  2. Creating Authentication Header
  3. Building Input Component
  4. Password Input Eye Toggling
  5. Building Checkbox Component
  6. Giving Custom Style to Reusable Components
  7. Building Separator Component
  8. memo: What it is and Why to Use
  9. Google Login: component & native setup
  10. Checking Google Login on Android & iOS
  11. Using Environment Variables
  12. Building Sign Up Footer Actions
  13. Building Sign in Screen


Section6:Git Integration

  1. Creating Github Repository & Git Initialization
  2. Pushing Changes to Git
  3. Git Branching System

Section7:Project Navigation

  1. React Navigation Introduction
  2. Setup React Navigation
  3. Manage Navigation Theme
  4. Moving Between Screens
  5. Hiding Default Navigation Header
  6. Fixing Safe Area Issues
  7. Setup Bottom Tabs
  8. Preparing Codebase for Tab Navigation
  9. Customizing Tabs Design
  10. Navigation Quiz

Section8:Managing Lists

  1. Build App Header
  2. Add Categories List
  3. Add Products List
  4. Filter by Categories
  5. Filtering by Typing Keywords
  6. Building Favorites List

Section9:Building the Detailed Screen

  1. Pass Data Between Screens
  2. Product Details Screen UI
  3. Build Sticky Footer
  4. Add Absolute Header
  5. Build Image Carousel
  6. Call or Email from the App

Section10:Building Profile Related Screens

  1. Build Profile Screen
  2. Add Settings Screen & Redirect to URLs
  3. Edit Personal Information
  4. Create New Listing Screen
  5. Installing Image Upload Package
  6. Image Upload Functionality
  7. Add Image Deleting Option
  8. Explaining Props Spreading
  9. Use Keyboard Avoiding View
  10. Building Custom Picker
  11. Finalize Create New Listing Screen
  12. Build My Listings UI

Section11:Integrating REST APIs

  1. What is REST API
  2. REST API Methods Explained
  3. Overview of the API Used
  4. Using Axios
  5. Registering a New User with API Call
  6. REST APIs & HTTP methods

Section12:Setting Up Global State

  1. Redux vs. React Context
  2. Create User Context
  3. User Authentication
  4. Introduction to Async Storage
  5. Save Auth Token to Storage
  6. Identifying Authenticated Users After Killing the App
  7. Global State & Storage Quiz

Section13:Connect Services and Profile to APIs

  1. Connect Profile to APIs
  2. Update Profile API Integration
  3. Fetching Services from API
  4. Showing Service Details & Favoriting
  5. Filtering Favorite Items & Unfavoriting
  6. Adding New Listing
  7. Delete a Listing
  8. Upload Image to Server

Section14:The Magic of Linting

  1. What is Linting
  2. Integrate ESLint in the project

Section15:Initial Deploy

  1. Deploy App
Instructions for filling out the enrollment form
  • All input fields are required. Please ensure that the details you provide are the same as those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • Please ensure that you provide accurate details matching those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • For the date of birth, please use the format month/day/year (e.g., 01/15/1990).
  • Ensure that your email address is valid and correctly formatted, (e.g., [email protected]).
  • Both contact numbers should include the country code, following the format, (e.g., +923214946496) +92 is Pakistan country code.
  • Ensure the correctness of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport ID.
  • When uploading the image of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport, make sure it is in an acceptable image format and does not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB) in size.
  • Similarly, the student image should be in an appropriate image format, and the file size should not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB).
  • Before submitting the form, make sure that everything you filled in is correct.

Enrollment Form For Batch # 01

File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)
File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)