Web Development Using ASP .Net

Both Physical & Online Classes Available

Course Detail

Course Duration: 2 Months
Class Days: Monday, Wednesday
Start Date Class Timing Physical Classes Fee Online Classes Fee
10 Jun 2024 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
(Pakistan Time)*
16,000 PKR
(8,000 PKR Per Month)
10,000 PKR
(5,000 PKR Per Month)
* 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM (UAE Time)
Click the Icon For Contact Us: +923214946496

Course Outline

1.       What you will learn in C # for complete beginner’s section

  • Here is the C # section program
  • No experience on C #? Don’t worry.
  • C #.net framework
  • project file and course document
  • FAQ’s regarding and C #

2.       Set up visual studio

  • Development environments
  • How to install visual studio on windows?
  • How to install visual studio on mac?
  • How to install visual studio 2022 on windows?

3.       Console environment on C #

  • What is a console app?
  • Function used in console environments write and read
  • Read and lines

4.       Variables in C #

  • What are variables in C #
  • Type conversions in C #

5.       Windows form

  • In C # introduction to windows form
  • Review necessary windows
  • Review from properties in C # for beginners

6.       Review objects in tool box

  • Using message box
  • Button
  • Label
  • Textbox in C #
  • Group box in C #
  • Radio button
  • Check box in c sharp
  • Combo box in c sharp programing
  • Date time picker in c sharp for beginners
  • Switch and data transfer in C #

7.       Operators in c sharp from scratch

  • Using operators

8.       Before starting know how

  • Using breakpoint
  • Using region
  • Naming conventions in oak academy C #
  • Using breakpoint
  • Keyboard shortcuts in visual studio

9.     Conditions controls

  • If else statement
  • Switch case statement

10.    Loops

  • While do while
  • For loop
  • Jump statements
  • C # coding quiz

11.    Project in c #

  • Make an example what we learn

12.    Arrays in C #

  • Arrays in C #

13.    Methods

  • Methods
  • Quiz 2 C # quiz

14.    Classes

  • Class, and object
  • Using list class
  • Using random class
  • Using timer class
  • Using math class

15.    C # project-oriented programming

  • What is C # oop?
  • FAQ regarding c # oop
  • Project files and course and documents
  • Class and object
  • Encapsulation
  • Static using
  • Inheritance
  • Interface
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract
  • Nested class
  • Partial ve sealed class

16.    Enum using

  • Enum using

17.    Delegate using

  • Delegate using

18.    Exception handling

  • Exception handling

19.    Folder and file operation

  • System io class
  • Directory and directory classes
  • File and file info class
  • Path class

20.    N tier architecture

  • N tier architecture

21.    MS SQL introduction

  • What is a database?
  • Rdms
  • What is SQL query?

22.    Database normalization

  • Normalizations
  • Normal forms (nf)

23.    Installation

  • Install MS SQL server express 2017

24.    Starting to ssms

  • Starting to ssms
  • Create alter and drop data base
  • Create rename and drop tables
  • Data type and constraints
  • Foreign key constraints
  • Unique and check constraints
  • Quiz3: quiz

25.    Manipulating data

  • insert data to table
  • Update data in a table
  • Delete data and adventure works

26.    Basic select statement

  • Select statements and alias
  • Where clause and operators
  • Quiz 4: quiz

27.    Sorting and grouping data

  • Sorting and grouping data
  • Quiz 5: quiz

28.    Wild card operation

  • Like clause

29.    If then statements

  • Case function

30.    Conversion functions

  • Convert and cast function

31.    Retrieving data from multiple tables

  • Inner join
  • Left and right join
  • Full and self-join

32.    Set operation

  • Union operators
  • Intersect and except operators

33.    Sub queries

  • Subqueries with select statements
  • Single row & multiple queries
  • Insert, update and delete statement

34.    Date time functions

  • Date time function
  • Converting date time

35.    String function

  • String function

36.    Math functions

  • Math functions

37.    SQL transaction

  • SQL transactions
  • SQL transactions commands

38.    Schema objects and managing schema

  • Create schema and view
  • Create sequence

39.    User managements

  • Create logins
  • User and user permissions
  • Permissions and roles

40.    Personal tracking app with n tier architecture

  • Final version of app
  • Project construction stages
  • Create database
  • Creating project structure

41.    Designs of projects forms

  • Login form design
  • Main form design
  • Department form design
  • Position form design
  • Employee form design
  • Task form design
  • Permission form design
  • Salary form design
  • Connect form
  • Connect to database LINQ to SQL

42.    Add and listing operations

  • Add department
  • Listing department
  • Add position
  • Listing positions
  • Add employees
  • Listing employee
  • Add task
  • Listing task
  • Add salary
  • Listing salary
  • Login with user no and password
  • Add permissions
  • Listing permission

43.    Update operation

  • Update permissions
  • Update task
  • Update salary
  • Update employe
  • Update position
  • Update department

44.    Delete operation

  • Delete permissions
  • Delete task
  • Delete salary
  • Delete employe using trigger
  • Delete position using trigger
  • Delete department using trigger
  • Delete authorization operators
  • Export excels

45.    Solid principles and design patterns

  • What’s solid?
  • S-single responsibility
  • O-open closed
  • l-liskov substitution
  • I-interface segregation
  • D-dependency inversion
  • Design patterns
  • Abstract patterns
  • Observer patterns
  • Façade patterns

46.    Stock tracking app with entire architectures façade design patterns entity frame wire

  • Stock tracking constructions stages
  • Final version of stock tracking
  • Design database of stock tracking
  • Creating project structure of stock tracking

47.    Design of project forms

  • Category form design
  • Product form design
  • Customer form design
  • Sales form design
  • Deleted and alert form design
  • Main form design and connect pages

48.    Add and listing operation

  • Category add and listing operation
  • Customer add and listing operation
  • Product add and list operation
  • Add product stock and list stock alert
  • Sales add and listing operation

49.    Update operation

  • Category and customer operation
  • Product and sales update operation

50.    Delete operation

  • Delete sales
  • Delete products
  • Delete customers
  • Delete category
  • Deleted form and get back deleted files training evolution

51.    Model view controller

  • What’s mvc?
  • First mvc project
  • Action result
  • What’s mvc?
  • View in mvc
  • Usage of layout
  • Partial view
  • Model in mvc
  • Http gets and https post
  • Begin form
  • Json
  • View bag, viewdata and temp data
  • Validation
  • Routing in mvc
  • Action filters
  • Quiz 6

52.    Starting a web project

  • Final version of project
  • Downloading admin lte template
  • Creating database part 1
  • Creating database part2
  • Creating database part3
  • Creating project structure
  • Connecting database to project
  • Dress template login
  • Login operation
  • Sql operation login

53.    Add update and listing operation

  • First log operation
  • Add admin layout
  • Add meta part 1
  • Add meta part 2
  • Define message form
  • Meta list page
  • Update meta
  • Add social media part 1
  • Add social media part 2
  • Social media
  • Update social media
  • Add user
  • User list page
  • Update user
  • Add ads
  • Ads list page
  • Update
  • Update favicon and logo
  • Add address
  • Address list page
  • Update address
  • Add video
  • Video list page
  • Update video
  • Add category
  • Category list page
  • Update category
  • Add post part1
  • Add post part 2
  • Post list page
  • Update post
  • Quiz 7
  • Quiz 8

54.    Add user

  • Add modal and delete record script
  • Delete meta
  • Delete address
  • Delete video
  • Delete ads
  • Delete social media
  • Delete image in update post page
  • Delete post with using trigger
  • Delete category
  • Delete user

55.    Adjust admin layout

  • Adjust admin layout names for menu buttons

56.    Adjust user menu settings

  • adjust user menu setting
  • User control operation

57.    Adding training and videos

  • Adding trainings and videos for show in front page

58.    Front pages of projects

  • Download vizew template
  • Adjust home template
  • Adjust menu home layout
  • Adjust social media in home layout
  • Adjust favicon and logo and tittle in home layout
  • Adjust meta in-home layout
  • Adjust address in home layout
  • Adjust hot news in home layout
  • Adjust main page part1
  • Adjust main page part 2
  • Adjust breaking training in main page
  • Adjust popular training in main page
  • Adjust most viewed training i main page
  • Adjust video main page
  • Adjust ads in main page
  • Routing operation part1
  • Routing operation part 2
  • Add post detail page
  • Add comments operation using toast
  • All comments list page in admin area
  • Category lies page list part 1
  • Category list page part2
  • Contact page
  • Unread message page in admin area
  • Search page
  • Increasing speed of project

59.    Publish operation

  • Using github
  • Publish site on web

60.    Android application

  • Making an android app for android studio

61.    Change template

  • Download mag template
  • Add new layout
  • add index view
  • Add post view
  • Add category list post view
  • Add contact view
  • Add search view

62.    Performance operations

  • Performance operation introduction
  • Database connection
  • Select command in linq
  • Cookie and session
  • Add session to project part 1
  • Add session to project part

63.    Explanation videos

  • Break point using

64.    Extras

  • Full stack web development with c3oop MS SQL Asp.net MVC
Instructions for filling out the enrollment form
  • All input fields are required. Please ensure that the details you provide are the same as those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • Please ensure that you provide accurate details matching those on your CNIC or Passport.
  • For the date of birth, please use the format month/day/year (e.g., 01/15/1990).
  • Ensure that your email address is valid and correctly formatted, (e.g., [email protected]).
  • Both contact numbers should include the country code, following the format, (e.g., +923214946496) +92 is Pakistan country code.
  • Ensure the correctness of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport ID.
  • When uploading the image of your B-Form/CNIC/Passport, make sure it is in an acceptable image format and does not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB) in size.
  • Similarly, the student image should be in an appropriate image format, and the file size should not exceed 2 MB (2048 KB).
  • Before submitting the form, make sure that everything you filled in is correct.

Enrollment Form For Batch # 01

File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)
File Size not Greater than 2 MB (2048 KB)